Where we're going, we don't need roads.
Most college students today put in a good solid 4 years of schooling before heading off into the workforce. There are of course those who decide on going to Grad School, but this question still applies to them. Eventually you're going to leave the wonderful world of Academia (ugh) and begin seriously living on your own for the first time. Have most kids thought about where they plan to work and to live? I sure hope so because it's something that needs to be planned in advance. The sad part to all of this is that most students do not have a plan after college and just try to wing it. I would like to compare this to trying to wing a final exam, it rarely turns out pretty. To those who do decide to wing it, they usually end up playing Nintendo instead of working on their resume, applying to bar tending school instead, becoming a part time comedian and eventually working in a low tier restaurant scraping by with tips. Not the most glamorous way to end the remaining years of your 20s? Maybe for some I guess....
Instead of the previous scenario, start formulating a life plan for yourself. It doesn't have to be extensive, but just begin thinking about your future. Will you be working full time over the summer, begin your last year of college in the fall and land an internship position that will give you job security when you graduate, and eventually find a place to call your own? Sounds a lot better than second guessing what you should have done while on your smoke break out behind the restaurant.
Final words of advice for everybody who is in this situation. DO NOT let anything or anybody get in your way of achieving your life goals. DO NOT think that taking a year off school and coming back to finish later is a good idea. If anything, you'll be making it harder on yourself later on. So...Stick to your game plan, road map, whatever and don't stop until you have achieved what you set out to do. And especially don't let any girl/boy get in the way of your dreams. Think about yourself first because the only person with control over your future is you...!