Taking The Slack Out Of Slacker

Posted by Lizzie on Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

That being said, I'm doing my best to pull my half of the PQLC weight and will now draft my second post in a row.

We're transitioning from PQLC Beta to the real deal. Taking into account feedback from readers and our own musings regarding what works and what doesn't, we're coming up with new ideas and abandoning old ones.

We decided that attempting weekly clockwork consistency regarding the music on Sunday and Monday and MC questions on Wednesday was compromising our basic intentions. It was getting old fast and made us less inclined to post anything with much substance.

I haven't talked to Ryan about this, but perhaps we'll create some kind of supplement which would create an alternative space for our music suggestions so that they can still be accessed for those who are interested. In this way, the idea would survive, but would cease to be an overpowering focus that takes away from the rest of the content.

I did get some decent feedback about the MC questions, but again, they just take up so much space. Perhaps we'll create a reader list and send the MC questions out as weekly e-mails. We're still trying to work this out.

Again, we welcome any feedback you might have. E-mail us at BetterMakeItFast@gmail.com!

In other semi-related news:
Along with our pal Desiree (PQLC's first guest contributor!), we're also heading up a summer book club. We attempted a similar endeavor this winter, but with schedules and academic exhaustion, it never really got off the ground. We're hoping that we can transition Book Clubby out of the beta version and into the real deal as well.

Projects and lost causes seem to be our thing as of late.

Anyway, I'm mentioning this because we're currently in the recruiting phase. Our first (and hopefully only) administrative meeting regarding the potential reading list, time, location, etc. is on Monday, April 27th at the Kiva Han on corner of Forbes Ave. and Craig St. around 7:00PM. So, should the idea of a summer book club spark your interest, do consider attending! We'd be more than welcome to have you and would love your input. Bring a list of any books you may want to read.

In case you're concerned about how legit this shit is, here's a little bio about Desiree and her qualifications for being the primary source of intellectual stimulation as the chief Book Clubby guru.

Desiree, a tender 21-year-old free spirit, is a recent graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, completing a B.A. in English Writing with a concentration in History in December of 2008. Her reading capabilities far surpass those of the average human being, in that she can easily read 5 or more books in one day. With 3.5 years of esteemed college education behind her, she is chock full of literary insight and very skilled when it comes to picking apart written works and providing context and parallels. The knowledge she possesses as a result of being well-read is an element that any book club would be lucky to have. Her personal work is captivating and intuitive, with an engaging and refreshing style that can't be found anywhere else.

Don't let this intimidate you. Our meetings are very relaxed and informal. If you're seeking a pretentious literary organization, look elsewhere!

Just know that should you choose to participate, your time will not be wasted.

So, to wrap things up and curb my tendency to be long-winded (if that can even be curbed), Ryan and I have a lot going on and the more participation from alternative sources (i.e. you) in regard to any of our projects, the better!

Until next time...

Love love love.



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